How to Order

How to order

CARA PEMESANAN | How to order :

1. Konfirmasi kepada kami pesanan anda beserta alamat lengkap pengiriman via YM / SMS / TLP ke no. 085 855 651 650

2. Kami akan segera kalkulasi total pesanan anda.

3. Anda dapat transfer total pembayaran via :
– Rek BRI Syariah: 100 148 6628 a.n Imam Pujiono

4. Harap konfirmasi kepada kami setelah anda transfer, agar pesanan anda dapat segera kami proses.

5. Pesanan anda akan kami kirim paling lambat 1×24 jam setelah dana kami terima.


1. Confirm your order to us along with complete shipping address via IM / SMS / TLP to no. 085 855 651 650

2. We will immediately calculate your order total.

3. You can transfer the total payment via:
– Rek BRI Syariah: 100 148 6628 a.n Imam Pujiono

4. Please confirm to us after you transfer, so your order can be processed.

5. Your order will be sent no later than 1×24 hours after we receive the funds.

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